So, it's time for me to work on the house. I need to do some work in the basement, which is now absolutely impossible to walk through. The collection of my stuff, grandma and grandpa's stuff, friends' stuff, and stuff that I have no idea where it could have come from has formed itself into ever-growing piles of, well, stuff.
Since I'm currently unemployed but trying not to be a loser, I've decided to go through this. So how am I going to do it?
I've heard several suggestions of just taking the stuff to an appraiser and selling it. However, I don't want to throw away or get rid of anything that you may want. I have the time to do this, so I may as well get it done properly.
If there is anything that you would like, please let me know. Items will be given away on a first come, first serve basis. If there is something that you may not want but you think would make a great gift for a friend, let me know. Family has first priority, but things should be given to where they will be appreciated.
I will look into shipping options. I do not mind finding boxes and packaging material to ship, but I can't afford to pay for shipping. I will look into opening a shipping account. We may have to go C.O.D., if that is even available. I may have to go get a job with UPS. Actually, that isn't a bad idea.
This is a work in progress, so any ways you think will make it easier, please let me know.
Are you someone who just happened upon this sight but aren't related to the rest of us? That's okay. If you see something you like, then email me. Arrangements can be made.
Okay, I think that's it. So here's the first batch, so delightfully labeled "Crap!". That's not a description of the items, but the word people mutter as they struggle to make their way through the basement.
Oh! I have one more favor.
Please sign in to this first post using the comment section, so that I know everyone is accounted for. Please don't make me hunt you down!Simply click on the picture above to view the first batch of items.
Click on the small email icon to send me an email of items you'd like, or questions about items you may have. If you'd rather call me, then do so. I won't post my cell phone number here because I've purposely made this post public, but it is the same as Grandma's. 314-481-xxxx. I'd think most of you can fill in the blanks, or know someone who can.